uploads/round trip.jpg

round trip 〔英國〕周游;〔美國〕來回(的旅程)。

round worm

2 sets of turbojet round trip ticket in economy class between hong kong and macau ; and 噴射飛航經濟位來回香港澳門船票2套及

With single journey ticket for trips other than that round trips fare must be paid 設單程船票(其他航班必須支付來回船票)

Hong kongkowloon to shenzhen round trip ferry ticket - save hk $ 10 for each ticket 香港九龍來回深圳船票每張節省港幣10元。

Yes , we bought first class round trip tickets in your new york office 顧客:是的,我們在貴公司紐約辦事處買的來回程機票。

You can use the identifier to locate a session across server round trips 您可以使用該標識符跨越服務器往返過程查找會話。

Between round trips , the control stores the information in view state 在往返行程之間,控件會將該信息存儲在視圖狀態中。

Is simply a view of the request and response pair in a round trip over the http 只是http上往返過程中請求響應對的視圖。

Round trip propagation time 往返傳播時間

Round trip airport transportation by hotel limousine 24 hours advance notice is required 機場往返接送請提前24小時預訂

Postbacks and round trips 回發和往返行程

This identifier is used to locate the session across server round trips 此標識符用于在多個服務器往返過程中定位會話。

One way , or round trip 單程票還是來回票?

Party a will pay for all the tolls that include driver ' s round trip 所有過路過橋費由甲方支付(包括司機往返路程) 。

How much is the round trip 往返票要多少錢?

I can make 12 round trips 那我可以12個來回了

How much is the round trip 來回票要多少錢?

2 - hour night round trip ticket 2小時夜間環游票

Round trips are given precedence over precision when using this specifier 使用此說明符時,往返過程優先于精度。

This will avoid a round trip to the server to determine the port number 這將避免為了確定端口號而與服務器通訊。